September 2023 Newsletter
Hello Wayne County,
I would like to introduce myself. I am Ann Clark, chairwoman of the Wayne County Republican Committee (WCRC). My husband and I have been married for 27 years; we have 10 grandchildren. After 18 years working at the YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit and consulting for nonprofits throughout Metropolitan Detroit. In 1998, I started my own consulting company from which I retired in 2015.
In 2019, I was recruited to be Chair of Wayne County for the Recall Whitmer Campaign. After that campaign, I began volunteering my services in politics in the Wayne County area. I ran for County Commissioner in 2022. Through that campaign I became aware of the organizations that rise to the occasion year after year to support and fund Republican Candidates. The WCRC embraced me as a volunteer and in March 2023 I was elected chair. It has been an exciting 4 months as the volunteers have risen to the occasion again and again.
Wayne County Republican Committee is a collaborative organization made up of delegates and volunteers from the three congressional districts forming Wayne County.
Our goals for WCRC for 2023 – 2024 includes
- Recruiting and Training Volunteers and Precinct Delegates
- Outreach – going into community with information and materials for candidates, policies and full voter turnout — securing voter’s rights, ballot access, ballot security.
- Campaign Academy – Candidates learn how to do door knocking, campaign finance, create fundraising events and much more.
- Vetting Program –Help recruit people to become Republican Election Inspectors and Challengers for cities/townships for the August and November Election 2024.
- Effectively spreading our message to every area of Wayne County.
If you are reading this and agree, you have a mission:
- Check out our new website Check out one of our meetings and see what we are doing.
- Follow our social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.). Share the content that you find most stimulating and interesting.
- Speak to your neighbors and within your faith communities concerning Republican history, issues, and current events.
- Build relationships with like minded individuals and those that disagree. It is paramount to encourage other conservatives and demonstrate kindness to those with whom we disagree.
Thank you to all the delegates, committee members, and Executive Committee members past and present for the time, treasure and talents. You make it possible to shine the light on our Republican candidates and community leaders.
Elected to Serve,
Ann Clark
What Starts Here, Changes The World!
By: Heather Urbaniak
Precinct delegates face an overwhelming challenge; breaking through social conditioning to change how individuals vote. Assessing individual attributes and character rather than looking for the familiar D after a candidate’s name is a culture shift. Being the reliable, responsible, reflective Republican that educates your family, neighborhood and precinct for the Republican Party may seem impossible. Here is a video and summation to encourage you in this task.
Research suggests that we meet 10,000 people in our lifetime. Most interactions are forgettable at best. Delegates are people of action and can encounter many more people than the average 10,000. Be encouraged in your role and influence. There are approximately 672 delegates to the Republican Party in Wayne County. Each one of us can easily affect the lives of 10 people for the Republic. That is 6,720 that can each change the course of 10 more. 67,200 sharing the conservative values with 10 more each. 672,000 active in the community and changing the hearts of 10 people each. In 5 generations, 125 years, the results of these 672 Wayne county delegates will be 6,720,000 people actively engaged in preserving the Republic and the Constitution. The population of Wayne county is 1,750,000 with 1,350,000 being over 18.
Ten Lessons from Basic Seal Training
By Admiral William H. McRaven
- Start each day with a task completed. Reinforces that little things matter.
- You can’t change the world by yourself. Find someone to help you through life.
- Respect everyone.
- Life is not fair. Work hard anyway.
- You will have a day where you don’t measure up and the trials stack up along with the exhaustion. It will be painful, discouraging and will test you. Don’t be afraid of the test.
- Take risks. Dive head first and break free of the expected.
- When sharks begin to circle, stand your ground.
- As you approach your goal, the light dims and the noise overwhelms you. Stay calm, composed, utilize all your skills.You must be your very best in those moments.
- When the mud is deepest, lift up the downtrodden.
- Don’t ever quit.
Chairwoman’s Champion
Farhan Pervez
Would you ever run for office? Yes, it would likely start on the municipal level.
Motivation for volunteering: My motivation to volunteer came from wanting to protect the minds of children and fighting systemic corruption in any way that I can. Trump’s presidency helped me realize much of this was even happening.
Favorite accomplishment as a Precinct Delegate: Being elected WCRC Treasurer just a few months after becoming a delegate.
Life quote: “Power is not influence, power is the ability to not be influenced.” – Kanye West
Chairwoman’s Cheer: “Farhan, who is a new Precinct Delegate immediately wanted to serve and ran to be the Treasurer for Wayne County Republican Committee. As our new treasurer he redid our accounting system, created detailed financial statements, and created other processes. He has worked many hours on these endeavors, but always has done it with enthusiasm and a smile. It has been a pleasure to work with him on this journey together.”
Notes from the July State Committee Meeting
State committeeman, Kirk Marquardt, has generously shared his notes on the July 8 state committee meeting.
Rob Steele, national committeeman, RNC supports the MIGOP’s efforts to maintain the full delegation of 55. The plan must be submitted; and approved by October 1. Current plan will not pass. Only apportionment will pass between March 1 and March 15.
Chair Karamo gave a recap of events leading to the dismissal of the Budget Committee Chair. The majority of budget committee members in attendance agreed. Removal was initiated within the committee.
Dan Banamie was introduced as chair of the Budget Committee. Disclosed that some budget information can not be shared, as it would be used by the other political parties to build strategies.
Discussion of Mackinac Conference: 90% of incoming funds are going toward the conference, 10% covering administrative costs which is also mostly related to the Mackinac event.
Chair Karamo called for unity.
After the disturbance, Rev. Ralph Rebandt offered a prayer of guidance.
Meeting adjourned at 4 p. m. It was followed by a Q&A session open to all delegates.
Pictures from the 4th of July Picnic

© Wayne County Republican Committee