November 2023 Newsletter

Dear Wayne County, 

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving with many blessings for you and your family.   

I am excited to highlight the success of our Campaign Academy Introductory Sessions.  Due to the feedback of the first one, we ran two sessions.  The evaluations were very positive with most participants looking forward to signing up for the in-depth training classes starting in January.   

Go to our event page for details.   Invite anyone who may want to run for office or want to help someone run for office.  Together we can take back Wayne County.


Ann Clark


The WCRC would like to congratulate the Wayne County winners in 2023.

Emily Bauman

Marcie Grzywacz

Andrew Swift

Gerry Barr

Cheryl Constatino 

Thank you to all the Republican candidates that worked hard on their campaigns. You put your time, treasure and talent on the line.  Your effort and sacrifice is noted and respected.

March for Life: Michigan 2023

November 8th, It had been a hard week for Republicans.  The Reproductive Freedom Act passed which has little to do with freedom or reproduction.  Our neighbors in Ohio ingrained abortion in their state constitution.  The local losses in Wayne County weighed heavy on my mind as I boarded the bus to Lansing.  It was early, cold and the forecast called for rain.  The bus had a few too many empty seats for us to be confident in the turnout for the First Michigan March for Life.  We chatted about the political landscape and feasted on donuts as the countryside sped by.  Our group of homeschool moms and teens found Heritage hall under the Capitol and were able to make our way to the State Senate. The building itself is being restored but the visible portions are extraordinary and definitely an architectural jewel.  

We returned to the front lawn in time for the Invocation.  Walking out into the crowd was a bit overwhelming.  The people had gathered from all over the state.  They were pressed together and the crowd was electric.  Speakers lamented the passing of Ohio’s constitutional amendment on the anniversary of the passing of Proposal 3.  The messages were not all easy to listen to as the wind grew colder.  Then the Pro Life Caucus stood on the steps and we heard of the work they are doing on our behalf. The announcement of a lawsuit regarding the constitutionality of Proposal Three brought cheers and new energy to the crowd.  

The act of marching and praying through the streets of Lansing on behalf of the PreBorn would have been a simple service.  Instead the experience was uplifting,  joyous at times with the crowd ebbing and flowing easily along the streets .  Over 80 chartered buses were sent to Lansing, I do not know if that includes the many school buses that carried students to the event.  Shirts read “We are the Post-Roe generation” and “Pro Life: The radical idea that babies are people”.  When we stood at the launch point and could see the first marchers heading towards us, the size of the crowd was evident.  It was far more than the mere hundreds reported.  The Yoopers that traveled three plus hours (Mackinaw Bridge to Lansing is 3 hours and 19 minutes) and still had enthusiasm and fervor for the cause were inspiring.  The weather was not optimal, but the company and cause will bring me back next year.  

Returning to the bus, we were slightly frozen, but our spirits were high.  The event was a success. The group was jubilant regarding the lawsuit and continued hope for the movement and plausible change in the nightmarish amendment to the state constitution.  I hope that many more will join next year. It is a simple way to express support for the preborn and the Pro Life Caucus.  

Chairwoman’s Champion: Heather Hermann

Name: Heather Hermann

Heroes: My Grandfathers because they proudly served our country. Hermann Served in the United States Army during WWII.  While Stempien served in the United States Air Force during the Korean War.

Favorite Historical Person: Ronald Reagan

When did you become politically involved? I was interested In politics in 2020.  I became extremely active when Garrett Soldano ran for governor in 2022.

Secret talent: I can sing. Thanks to Steve Olsen who helped me become a much better alto singer.

Would you ever run for office? I’m not planning on it at this time, but I would definitely help candidates run for office though.

Motivation for volunteering: My 7 nephews and only niece’s future. That they can grow up living a good life.

Favorite accomplishment as a Precinct Delegate: Being elected as a board member for the WCRC and Wayne 12.  Helping out in different subcommittees for WCRC, Wayne 12, and 12th Congressional District.

 One thing you want people to know about you: The Stempien side of my family has a very strong passion for our Polish heritage. We make very good homemade Pierogi for Christmas Eve every year.

Chairwoman’s Cheer:  

Heather is a new Precinct Delegate but is not new to politics.   She was an active volunteer in the Garrett Soldano Campaign in 2022.  When she joined the Wayne County Republican Committee in 2023 she immediately got involved by volunteering for the Events/Fundraising committee, as well as the Communication and Marketing Committee.   She was very involved in the successful Reagan Dinner and is a monthly contributor to the WCRC newsletter.   She is always there to lend a hand and its wonderful to see young people getting involved.

Recipe to Share

This recipe is submitted by Heather Herman of district 12. They have been kind enough to share the family history of this traditional recipe. Heather’s family makes Pierogi homemade for Christmas Eve. The tradition started from her Great Grandmother making them ALL by herself. As her seven children, including Heather’s grandfather, got older they helped make them. The siblings married and their spouses joined the efforts. Eventually they enlisted the help of their children. The family has gotten much bigger with grandkids and great grandkids, the entire older generation continued to gather making pierogi even as the grandkids started making them with their parents and grandparents. Heather’s grandparents passed away this year. Yet the grandkids gathered with their parents in the grandparent’s basement to make pierogi.


Dough Recipe

2 Eggs

½ cup water

2 cups flour

½ t salt

Mound flour on kneading board and make hole in center. Drop eggs into hole and cut into flour with knife. Add salt and water and knead until firm. Let rest for 10 minutes covered with a warm bowl. Divide dough in halves and roll thin. Cut circles with a large biscuit cutter. 

Place a small spoonful of filling a little to one side on each round of dough. Moisten edge with water, fold over and press edges together firmly. Be sure they are well sealed to prevent the filling from running out. 

Drop pierogi into salted boiling water. Cook gently for 3 to 5 minutes. Lift out of water carefully with perforated spoon.

The dough has a tendency to dry while you are working. A dry dough will not seal completely. We suggest rolling out a large circle of dough, placing small mounds of filling far enough apart to allow for cutting and folding the dough over the mounds of filling. Then cut with small biscuit cutter and seal firmly.

Never crowd or pile pierogi. The uncooked will stick and the cooked will lose shape and lightness.


Rinse a large can of  sauerkraut out once. “Wringing” it and squeezing it till liquid is gone. 

Fry up lots of onions in lots of butter. (To your taste with the onions and you’ll need at least a pound of butter melted.)

In a large foil pan lay down a layer of kraut and put lots of onions and butter over it. Then mix it all together well. 

Keep on going with layers till everything is used up mixing well after each layer. Place foil over the pan, place in over at 325 degrees for about 2 hours stirring about every 20 minutes. 

Use a scoop of kraut as a filling in your dough.  

Seal the dough well, place in pot of boiling water, boil until the pierogi floats to the top.  Place in ice cold water after removing from boiling water for about 5 minutes.  Remove from ice water, place on towels to dry prior to placing in freezer bags to enjoy later. 


Wash and peel 10 pounds of potatoes. Boil till you can easily pierce with a fork. Drain water. Mash Potatoes, add 1 large block of Velveeta cheese. Allow to cool.

Place a scoop in pierogi dough.   

Seal the dough well, place in pot of boiling water, boil until the pierogi floats to the top.  Place in ice cold water after removing from boiling water for about 5 minutes.  Remove from ice water, place on towels to dry prior to placing in freezer bags to enjoy later. 

Treasured Polish Recipes for Americans

Published By: Polanie Club

Marie Sokolowski and Irene Jasinski, Editors

Assisted by: Josepha Contoski, Virginia Fitxsimons, Victoria Janda, Lucille Jasinski, Monica Krawczyk, Alina Polzak, Maria Smorczeqakw-Bullis

Illustrated by: Stanley Legun

Cover Design by: Marya Werten

Polanie Publishing Company

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Copyright 1948